Many people, attending one of our workshops for the very first time either during the course of or after, will comment on the lack of what they perceive as structure. We think it may be because they have been lead to believe they need a particular kind of educational structure to learn. One can deduce that the present one aided and abetted by the various governmental initiatives, public education being one, has not done a great job of truly educating its citizens very well.

Traditionally that has been done by lecture or presentation, but almost all the structure is dependent or based upon some linear process. In other words, the progression from learn A leads to learning B. However, that is not how our brains work and that is not, in our experience, the most expedient way to learn, especially learning abstract things and race, as it has been created in the last 200 plus years, is a compilation of abstracts.

IN may instances when a question is asked one may experience the facilitator not addressing the question in what you may perceive as a direct manner. The reason being is because that does not facilitate learning necessarily. In this instance “question” doesn’t mean a question for clarification as in something you didn’t hear or some skipped gradient. What is meant is a question or questions directly related to the subject matter.

IN order to learn and learn how to learn one has to teach themselves how to master the different techniques and modalities of the learning process. As a young child we learned employing the objective epistemological process. That being, using the natural instinctual process of how any creature coming into existence learns. Just watch a young child explore their surroundings and you will get the mass of what is being suggested.

However, when a child comes of age and has explored much of their physical surroundings, and having been inculcated into their family system or clan they find themselves presented with more complex material to study and learn, hence they must learn and use new tools that have to be learned to learned deeply if they are to survive and excell. That skill set is called the subjective epistemological process. It composes many different modalities with etymology being one of the first one would need to learn and master.

Hence, when a question is asked, and asked in a fashion that alerts the master that the pupil is not sure of their question, the facilitator, if he or she truly are facilitators, will never assume the asker or pupil knows the question. Therefore, the facilitator has to glean from the pupil by asking even more questions to determine just how much or how little the pupil knows about the abstracts and context of the question. That is indeed how the learning process works.

If the facilitator simply answered the questions directly with an affirmative of what the student may be guessing at, how is that learning? What will the student have learned? How will she know? How will he know that he knows? Just accepting someone’s word at face value is not learning. One has to develop the skills how to know for themselves.

There was material presented that a few of the participants in the Red Pill Training were somewhat familiar with. Yet, they had not connected the abstract information that formed the logical thought that, race as we have been taught it today, is not only erroneous, but in fact never even existed!

If the facilitators just started out with that information and never addressed the process of how they determined that it was indeed fact that would not be a learning process. That would be a telling process. The telling process is what caused all this nonsense in the first place.

So to construct truth you first have to deconstruct untruth. The lie, just about race, was not taught nor learned linearly. It was presented in circuitous and abstract terms. One has to back step and uncover the lies and illusions and then proceed forward step by step using the correct learning modalities to see what is and what is not. The Red Pill Training II simply aided people in quickening their pace to get to understanding. This information has been there for a long time, yet few people have ever put the abstracts together in a fashion so as to uncover the the nothing at the center of it all.

In closing all of the structure that many proclaim they need still has not produced the truth about what they really are and what they definitely are not. So much for structure.

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I'd love some further insight into this circuitous mode of thinking/researching, I'm having some difficulty visualizing it. My vision of learning is something like dots,significant points, being linearly connected, by their relativity, until there has been the completion of a web at which point the learner has reached what can be accepted as a conclusion, understanding.


On a circuitous route I see myself unraveling layers of untruth or coverings...irrelevancy, until I have reached the core truth as it is. Which works, but this means I am always going into the learning process with the assumption that what's initially available to me is falsity. My mission is to question and cross-reference until everything is in complete agreement? Yes?




Please ask the question in class and we can discuss and maybe more of us can get a view into this thought about the different methods and stratrgies that can be utilized to aid us in the learning process.



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