In other words, how do you ‘FEEL’, (for real), about the information that you have learned, about what you think you know, about the subject that you call RACE?

What are YOUR feelings, emotions and physical impressions about this issue? There are four recognizable emotions that are said to be universal: 1.anger 3.sadness and 4.fear. Let us discuss these emotions, as best that we can, and what may be going on with us as we are constantly surrounded by this activity in our everyday lives.

Here is what I know to be a true example coming from my own existence and observations. When I was a young person I was both fascinated and repelled by the issue of race. The race; that I was told, that I belonged to always seemed to be behind the eight ball and I found myself always trying to explain my experience of being a black man. The feelings always seemed to be filled with frustration, confusion and shame! However, the emotion I most demonstrated and would always find myself showing was anger. At least I didn't feel as ashamed or confused when I was angry. Those feelings are now, (I think) mostly, in the past. I have since put in a lot of work to work through and change my feelings of frustration, confusion, shame and subsequently, my ANGER.

Once I uncovered the nonsense, the deceit of what race is, and more particularly what race is NOT, the emotions gradually and certainty began to reconstruct. I feel joy, and power, in being exactly what, (even more) who I am. I sense freedom in knowing, that I know, that no one can label me unless I allow it to happen by living (Being) those labels. I now know the freedom that comes from not labeling anybody and not allowing anyone to label me. I can say that I DO feel wonderful about myself. I love freedom and free people.

How about you? What do you feel?

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SAD and ANGRY when I work inside the worldview from which race was born. From that place within myself, I see the possibility of the love and unity that already exists deep within our beings being expressed in such a way that we, and I'm specifically thinking about my family and those I am been conditioned to perceive as relative to me, can build institutions of learning, healing, finance, and planetary relations for ourselves. From this place I believe that all of this ought to have been in place before I arrived. ANGRY because this is a major loss of communal power and a source of guidance and protection I needed when I was a child. ANGRY when I can't find the words to get the possibility of power across what seems to be an ocean of grief, a canyon of fear and mistrust and then a desert of profound forgetting. As a result, I've been rather dismissive and contemptuous in the face of discussions on race regardless of who is talking about it.

POWERFUL and JOY when I work inside the worldview from which I existed before I was born. There are so many technologies for returning home. And home is a wonderful, enchanting place to be.

I am reminded of one technology that has the inquirer become aware of the stories or labels it is easy to SENTENCE ourselves to when our defenses are low. These are stories which become labels and ways of being like "I'm stupid," I can't learn 'good enough,'" or "Whatever I do, I will fail or they won't love me or shit ain't never gone change." In the moment of the sentencing, there is the fact of what has happened and what we/I choose the event to mean about me/us. What I/we choose the event to mean makes the difference.

So if someone projects to me, "Nigger!", I can make that mean something about me, which is what I did the first time it happened when I was five and I was sad and enraged because I made it mean that I am inferior, or I can just be myself and know that nigger doesn't mean anything and it definitely doesn't mean anything about me. From that experience, at FIVE YEARS OLD mind you, I began to live a way of being called INFERIOR and that's how I showed up to everything in my life and that's how everything in my life showed up.

Had there been a thought in place that would have shielded me from such nonsense I would not have spent so much time walking down paths that lead to a dead end i.e. as an atheist, a Jehovah's Witness, or a radical revolutionary, or a post modern anarchist vegan radical faerie. But who can really say that such a thing was not suppose to happen within the order of things? Perhaps what happened happened to cause what can only be described as miraculous event in "the future." Who knows?

Distinguishing what I sentenced myself to at an early age created the framework for me to really get to know myself pass language and conditioning. Authentic knowledge of self exists before we incarnate and even if we forget that knowledge that knowledge still knows us and continues to guide us back home.

It is possible to walk through such a situation and never lose an iota of joy or power. Still, there are some that believe it impossible that someone can not get fucked up in the face of such diabolical behavior. And yet it is possible. And this is the very strength and weight training necessary to carry the gravitas of heaven into whatever earthly condition manifest. It is then possible for one man to be in hell, one man limbo, and another in heaven while each sit on the same pew.
La, powerful response brother. I, as a rule, have never cared much for poetry, but every now and then a poem will strike me deeply. I am posting one that captures what you just wrote.

The Way of Transformation

The man who, being really on the Way, falls upon hard times in the world will not, as a consequence, turn to that friend who offers him refuge and comfort and encourages his old self to survive.

Rather, he will seek out someone who will faithfully and inexorably help him to risk himself, so that he may endure the suffering and pass courageously through it, thus making of it a "raft that leads to the far shore."

Only to the extent that man exposes himself over and over again to annihilation, can that which is indestructible arise within him. In this lies the dignity of daring. Thus, the aim of (spiritual) practice is not to develop an attitude which allows a man to acquire a state of harmony and peace wherein nothing can ever trouble him. On the contrary, practice should teach him to let himself be assaulted, perturbed, moved, insulted, broken and battered - that is to say, it should enable him to dare to let go his futile hankering after harmony, surcease from pain, and a comfortable life in order that he may discover, in doing battle with the forces that oppose him, that which awaits him beyond the world of opposites.

The first necessity is that we should have the courage to face life, and to encounter all that is most perilous in the world. When this is possible, meditation itself becomes the means by which we accept and welcome the demons which arise from the unconscious, a process very different from the practice of concentration on some object as a protection against such forces.

Only if we venture repeatedly through zones of annihilation can our contact with Divine Being, which is beyond annihilation, become firm and stable. The more a man learns whole-heartedly to confront the world that threatens him with isolation, the more are the depths of the Ground of Being revealed and the possibilities of New Life and Becoming opened.

The Way of Transformation by Karlfried Gras von Durkheim
It is really strange indeed that you responded to this particular topic today. Mr. Black and I talked today about this topic. I think we both concluded what you wrote that so called black people exhibit anger masking shame and so called white people exhibit guilt masking anger.

I am reaching out to everyone on the red pill to respond to this thread. Give it some thought and pay special attention to your emotions, feelings, body impressions and thoughts as you focus on race and all that is associated with it. Then as honestly as possible post what came up. Please, there is no need to be politically correct. We want it raw, straight and unfiltered. There is some method in our madness.
The above replys have made my day!!!!! And this is the first day of the rest of my life. And this first moment is what I think the big bang must have been. This is better than ONENESS!!! If someone else gets to see what I am seeing, LETSGETITON.
I have had this passage posted on my wall for 25 years. It's over my right shoulder as I write these words. Al, are you sure we aren't brothers separated at birth?
Joe, perhaps brorther. I remember the first time I saw you was on the Phil Donohoe show, two segments at that. A few week later I saw you at a training, but could not remember when I had seen you. I told one of the fellows sitting next to me that this was a star studded event. I was convinced you were Bert Reynolds, that Bruce Boeilin was Sean Connery and that Tim Laughter was Gene Wilder. Man oh man did the fellows trip off of me that night.

Anyway I have told dozens of people about you and your courage ever since. I will never forget your phone call in October 1993. Man was those were some crazy and good times. I think we are on to something here that carries a similar intent and energy.
I would have to say scattered are my feelings as it relates to race,as a boy I was protected for the most part as I look back because there was little to no contact with other groups until I reached the age of 8 or 9 thourgh activities my mother had me involed in at idlewild church here in memphis and at a week long camp at a place called camp pinecrest which I loved going to so much that I went for the next two summers and except for the first year was the only so-called black child there,but not once even as i look back was ever treated or felt anything but respected,if anything I was treated special for whatever reason, I think alot of that had to do with my mother at that point in life because she wasn't afraid and didn't heisitate to have me involved in activities with any group and my pops was always giving me the black is beautiful and you have good hair piece and though I didn't understand then a rude awakening was awaiting me when we moved out of a comfort zone from the neighborhood I grew up in to (whitehaven) as it was called and dealing with so-called white teenagers that were more confused then I probably was (thats a scary thought) and it got even deeper in the military,but what makes me say scattered as it relates to feelings is that just as much damage if not more came from dealing with people that look like me,so I'm sure that all of those feelings come into play at some point in this LIFE!! I just don't want to allow my feelings to trick me because the thing about feelings they change all the time! I'm in for now(PEACE) Good peice AL your bringing up some great memory recall with (THE WAY OF THE TRANSFORMATION)
Sad. I was a little boy when my dad took through the "inner city" or whatever they called it then. He told me that people were mean to Negroes, but i should never be because they were as good as anyone. My dad had integrated crews working for him in the 1950's. He was a contractor. But those jokes the crew told were not benign. I recall asking at age 4 or 5 why Mr Floyd has brown skin. The foreman told me it was because he drank too much chocolate milk. Everyone laughed, even Mr Floyd, but I didn't think he thought it was really funny. That was my awakening. As a "white kid from Wisconsin" I wanted to make a difference in all of it, but didn't know how. then I started asking men of African descent what I could do as a man of European descent. Duh. The message I got, again and again, was "Do your work, and press your brothers to do theirs" Been doing it ever since. Must have done something right, because my granddaughters are German, African, Polish, Cherokee, Italian, French, and English. Eventually I think maybe we'll just breed the notion of race right out of existence.Then I feel happy. Love the differences, dislike the separation.
Namaska Brother Joe!
Have you ever had the opportunity to consider that the Prince of England or other people who are thought of as having royal blood are said to be ASCENDANTS. They are ascendants to the throne of some group of people that are relative to a particular territory. All over this planet whenever the 'world of man' is invoked as a reality, everyone is always reminded that the royals (even in Japan) everywhere (on the planet) are in fact relative to God and they are ascending. In the past, academic and religious authorities regulated those without royal blood as less than and lower in some inexplicable way, subsequently, most of the human population on the planet is declared to be descendents. Is this just language trivia or has the word and what we know as language been developed over the last 300 years into a terrible mind control weapon. Is it possible that some of us could possibly be ASCENDANTS, and just maybe, children of a real creator? If this be the case, then they are, consequently, the CHILDREN of a POWERFUL UNIVERSE. Maybe, probably, the descendent of a slave that you received the information from (regarding what to do) did not know what you or he should or should not do. How about this as a question: What can I do as a person? Not as a white man of European descent but as a child of the universe. Just maybe our children will stop calling themselves and being antiquated labels of territory and become people, and even more, they just may become the ONE that is ascending toward the title or label that most of us use, whenever we say the word, GOD.
I feel saddened by my response to the definition of race within the Matrix. I understand why it is an issue with me because I realize that it is a tool utilized by groups to retain power. I have never been ashamed of the label ascribed to me as an American of African descent, however, because of my experiences I still use race as a qualifier in my interactions with others, especially so called white people. I don't trust them. I don't hate them that really gives them too much power, I do however, resent the time I waste keeping my eyes upon them/SCWP. I also from experiences in the past also keep my eyes on SCBP. I find the whole issue of race very tiring, however, I don't expect any changes in my immediate responses to it.
Miki, here is a question I posed to the class tonight and I am asking it of all red pill members.
What if there is empirical data, information, and irrefutable fact that there is no such thing as black people or white people? What if that information proves conclusively beyond a shadow of doubt that race as it is presented today and as it has been presented since 1795 is a false premise? What if all the investiture masses of people have in this false foundation-less concept is but a lie how would you feel, what would you think and how would that change and impact your existence today?

The reason I ask this is because there is empirical, conclusive, provable scientific facts that there is no such thing as black or white people. It is predicated on an erroneous, hypothetical, non scientific, assumption and even its creator recanted the conclusions of his original hypothesis. So in light of this information and it is all contained and presented on this site, one only needs to look for themselves, what do you think still drives the feelings and judgments like you and others have highlighted?

If we are ever to get to the bottom of this I think it is paramount that we address these issues. In other words how does it feel to have invested that much energy in defending oneself, one's soul, and one's mind against what ended up to be a damned lie in the first place?

I also ask so called white people how does it feel, based on the information present on this site, that their existence, if they indeed bought into the premise that they were white, is a erroneous, fabricated lie and how does it feel to not have that as a supporting factor, if indeed it is false and indeed it is?

Now we are getting into the thick of thin things and it is going to take a whole lot of courage face what is real. As the poem suggests: "The first necessity is that we should have the courage to face life, and to encounter all that is most perilous in the world. When this is possible, meditation itself becomes the means by which we accept and welcome the demons which arise from the unconscious, a process very different from the practice of concentration on some object as a protection against such forces."

Only if we venture repeatedly through zones of annihilation can our contact with Divine Being, which is beyond annihilation, become firm and stable. The more a man learns whole-heartedly to confront the world that threatens him with isolation, the more are the depths of the Ground of Being revealed and the possibilities of New Life and Becoming opened.

Who is ready for that decompression chamber? Who has the courage to take that dive?
Namaska Mikii,
It might be wise to get rid of those things that have the ability to make people feel sad. Hopefully before you decide to leave this planet you just might be able to wiggle out of the chains that are binding most people. The tool (race) that is utilized by some to have and retain power over others does not have to have the capacity to hold YOU, your children and grandchildren. The same thing that I have written to Joe (in the above reply), I say to you and anyone else who might be tired of this nonsense. I hear you when you say that it is hard to trust so-called white people and I also hear Fredrick Douglas telling me to trust no one. In other words, if you are giving trust to some person just because they have a complexion in their epidermis you might be placing yourself into a dangerous position. I know that Brother Hoop is there to protect you from that ‘N’ down the street but I would feel better knowing that you are no longer a descendent of nonsense. YOU are (if you decide to be) the realization of the ascendant being that has evolved before you check out of this place that we were born into.


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