"People who have been conditioned to believe they are inferior will accept inferior 
conditions without fail."

Here are just a few of the ways that came to be:

Capture and imprison them and force them to work for nothing.

Set up a hierarchical system of existence and make it impossible for them to attain full entry.

Associate everything about their physical appearance with something negative.

Make the images and icons of Gods into images that look like their oppressors.

Use their innate superstitions to make them fear those Gods.

Use shock and awe, in other words techniques of terror in their communities and on them! (KKK Attacks, Tulsa, OK, Rosewood, FL)

Use language as a tool for sustained oppression lacing it with words to ensure the oppressed with use those very words to sanction their own oppression.

Create almost inescapable conditions of poverty and ignorance.

For a long period of time create and support laws of inequality. 

Choose and limit opportunities of success while using the tools of mass communication that projects erroneously that everyone has equal opportunity.

Convince them that something is WRONG with them because they cannot achieve that defined success.

Force them to attend government schools.

Institute educational programs that assumes that every child learns the same thing at the same time.

Teach and exalt mediocrity!

Kill off their selected leadership. 

Fund their entertainment with an emphasis on funding and promoting the stupidity and violent.

Imprison in mass their elected officials thus marginalizing and frightening off any real potential candidates.

Induce large quantities of hard drugs into urban areas after you have demoralized and dehumanized its inhabitants.

There are more lots more. Add your own!

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The funny thing is many of these don't just apply to so called black people.

Many immigrants who came to the USA were later made honorary white people. There were are still are just a few "real" white people or so called white people and they are WASPs all the rest are just honorary.
There is a powerful scene in the movie "The Good Shepherd" where Matt Damon's character, the head of the CIAs counter espionage unit, is in Florida meeting with the Jewish Mobste,r Meyer Lansky. Lansky makes a statement to Damon about the Jews having their beliefs, the Italians having their food and even the niggers with their music and then he asks Damon's character what was it "they" meaning the WASPS had, to which Damon replied, "The country and all the rest of you are just visitors!"

A most telling cinematic moment if one could hear and grok what was being projected.. Maybe that is the reason thousands upon thousands of immigrants changed and anglicized their names once they got here and began to figure it out? maybe they too wanted to be honorary white people. Poor so called white people had a hard time being real white people also. That's how they got played in the south.

Having a similar physical appearance would get you in the door even though you can never join their cults. You could work for them, they might throw some sizable crumbs off their financial table to the other ethnic groups and you may not have been much of a threat of marrying in their circle, after all that was a practice long established to stabilize kingdoms, countries and economies. That is if you had some modicum of "class".

Al, I witnessed some so called white people hearing how most of these things you mentioned applied to people they are relative to. I was invited to a geneology seminar at a Morman church.  I laughed inside as so called white people in the audience received some interesting information provided by the presenter.  The presenter explained how some European families that came to the british colonies, to include some of his own "farmed" out their children in order to survive.  The presenter explained how some families had children and gave these children over to those in business, to companies or to those that owned farm land, in return for shelter and/or money.            

There is a powerful scene in the movie "The Good Shepherd" where Matt Damon's character, the head of the CIAs counter espionage unit, is in Florida meeting with the Jewish Mobster, Meyer Lansky. Lansky makes a statement to Damon about the Jews having their beliefs, the Italians having their food and even the niggers with their music and then he asks Damon's character what was it "they" meaning the WASPS had, to which Damon replied, "The country and all the rest of you are just visitors!"

A most telling cinematic moment if one could hear and grok what was being projected.. Maybe that is the reason thousands upon thousands of immigrants changed and anglicized their names once they got here and began to figure it out? maybe they too wanted to be honorary white people. Poor so called white people had a hard time being real white people also. That's how they got played in the south.

Having a similar physical appearance would get you in the door even though you can never join their cults. You could work for them, they might throw some sizable crumbs off their financial table to the other ethnic groups and you may not have been much of a threat of marrying in their circle, after all that was a practice long established to stabilize kingdoms, countries and economies. That is if you had some modicum of "class".

Poor whites in the north and the south would not gain entry just on their skin color alone. They had to "prove their worth" and perhaps they could rise to some small degree to serve the gentrified. So called black people were not even considered in most cases for entry. However, most people of African ascent until recently didn't have that advantage unless they were "passing" something I wonder if the senator from Nevada is doing since he knows an awful lot about color coding.
See how convoluted this thing is and we have just scratched the surface? Is anybody out there groking me? I posted on another post about people living and enacting a story they didn't create. Well that is exactly what has happen right here in America. A great part of the national collective conscious and unconscious comes from a story started in Great Britain. This land was an extension of the British Empire at one time. Just because they gained independence didn't mean the collective thought process stopped.

When you buy into "their" story you have to live according to their rules. The few people that don't or attempt to re-write the rules end up dead or imprisoned.
When you buy into "their" story you have to live according to their rules. The few people that don't or attempt to re-write the rules end up dead or imprisoned.

What I am proposing is not re-writing their rules. I am proposing re-thinking and then re-visioning the story, your story. But you can't just make some shit up and think that will suffice. That is what has happened with, Afro Centrism, Nationalism, Pan Africanism, The Democratic Party, The Mafia, Unions, The Freedom Movement, Indians and anything else that becomes contrary to their story, their vision!

I can't be mad at them for that. That is a function of self preservation. I am angry at people who suggest I must emulate a story that does not have my best interest at heart in order to succeed. Exactly whose success are you rallying for?
This is how one can begin the process of peeling back the viel (the evil). Only by being able to see can we hope to empower the self.

  When every step you take is on the road to failure, how can you hope to arrive at the success goal?


I am a recovering addict of this behavior.  I remember calling this my or our country.  Having pride in the good ole USA and Be-LIE-ving that our country has come a long way.  Why?  Brainwashing and shame.  I can admit it.  What made me look at this insanity a little happened during my service in the military.  There was something about being calle government property that didn't sit well with me and despite being sold the we are all one color in the army, I noticed this was not the case.  I now here people relative to me make statements about our forefathers etc and I remember I was there not long ago.  

After learning of or buying into a few more additional lies sold to make me feel good or put money in someone's pocket, I gained another sense of false pride.  What caused me to take a look at this momentary moment of insanity, was I heard alot of people talking about how great we were, what we did etc but nothing was being done NOW.  I'm the type of individual who after some point of learning information, I like to test it or put it to action.  All the people I came across who talked of the ancients and us being the gods, were not doing anything to move forward.  I had two distinct questions 1) why were these people skipping over more recent accomplishments of so called people of color and 2) despite the complaints why wasn't action being taken?  Very few people had a hand in getting the USA started.  I have yet to be introduced to a large massive movement, even a large fire starts from a spark.  Anyway I grew tired of the debates and hearing the same information over and over again.  Sounded more like the church I left waiting for something magical to happen to fix the situation. 

Now I have a grasp of how easy it is to go down another rabbit hole.  I have to remind myself of the song lyrics, momma may have, pappa may have but god bless the child thats got his own.  It does not matter what someone else before me did, if I didn't have a hand in what was done, I can not take credit for it or attempt to feel good about something I have nothing to do with, if I do I need to look at why I need to have that connection to that accomplishment.  

@Adisa, Going thru the worm hole can be a most difficult journey, once you are in you must complete the adventure.


Impede the healthy development of future generations by medicating the young males before their reproductive systems are developed, limiting/altering their ability to reproduce once they reach physical maturity.


Namaska, This, is what must be done with devotion and diligence, if understanding is ever going to be accomplished.



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