This definition comes from a 1957 edition of Webster's New World Dictionary. Notice the different descriptors of the term.

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Ok, so here is our chance to have some real discussion about this thing called race and we even get to use a frame of reference. And I just know that all of those who have known so much about this subject matter have at least (at some point in the past) bothered to look up the subject that they are constantly refering to as if they know all about what it is that they are talking about..
Mr. Black, how would one go about finding out how these labels became standardized and institutionalized?

How was it that during Blumenbach's lifetime after he dispelled his earlier conclusions as erroneous that almost the whole of American academia, business, government and religions still embrace this LIE and passed it forward as if it were truth?

When I think about that and the adverse conditions and illegitimate suffering people were subjected to under just this guise alone it makes me want to vomit! The fact that the government did and still perpetrates this lie, that public education institutions still refers to it brings up images of litigation in my head. You grok?
If one were to study the presidents of the U.S. it could possibly dawn on the investigator that presiders like James Madison actually expressed the thought, on public record, that information about the seminole wars should, (NO, not should) must be hidden from the public view. How the Governments and the Merchant Class influenced the academicians and the writers of historical information to hide, lie and decieve those who were to become the learners of the future. Check the data to see if it has been changed. One day, it is information about settlers and the next day it becomes data about pioneers. The information that you may get if you were to study the War Department is quite different from what you find wen you recieve data from the Department of Defense. Learn how to see the hard to see differences when the language is changed. It is kind of like what went on in "Orwell's" annimal farm. And by the way, now we are starting to talk about legitimate litigation rather than some fantasy regarding REPAIRING ME.
So the dark ages were changed to the middle ages and no one spots the cheat. That's funny Doc, today I was talking to my doctor the man I told you about and he said a real education of the kind that teaches school age children about language and how to think, the very thing you do, would cost up to $40,000 per year.

Why then won't people who are poor and powerless take advantage of something that is priceless?
Maybe when they are looking at the dressed up lie, they then believe they are seeing the truth.
So-named by JB, sounds like SO-CALLED to me. I wonder what they mean when they are telling us that this aspect of race was invented in 1795 AD. Maybe the whole thing that we are calling race was made up at this time. Please help me to understand how people who know nothing about the subject matter are the very one's who are always telling me all about race and racism as if they are really talking about something. Rush and Al are just different colors and labels of the same thing and it smells like Bullshit to me.
Of particular interest is the phrase "often tinged with racism". The word tinge means to dye or to color or moisten. Though there is no explanation in the above phrase one might wonder then how would people, without doing any further research, know why the word Caucasian is indeed tinged with racism and why they still use the word in default? Better yet why still use any of these labels associated with Blumenbach?

If this same character created a definition and characteristics for so called white people is he then the same character that created and defined the label and characteristics for so called black people?

How is it possible that one man, who by the way was a senior in the university, never left the country to study and was making subjective assumptions at best, divided the whole of mankind into five divisions and his assumptions found their way into the thoughts, lexicon, dictionaries, textbooks and minds of people and a great portion of the people, so defined, would perpetuate a goddamned lie even until THIS DAY?

Lastly, why is it that this information has been around at least since 1957, as referenced in Webster's, and not one so called black person that I have known in my life time ever pointed it out until some 6 years ago when I started studying with Mr. Black?

I find that reprehensible, sad and unforgivable. Could it be a form of intellectual cowardice?
I think that it could be a form of intellectual cowardice as well and I think it was definitely negligence. I 've feelings associated with this subject. I feel sad and angry because this information wasn't shown to me when I was younger and I had no way of knowing that this was pertinet data I needed to learn, or something I should apply to my everyday thinking or that it even existed. I just DIDN'T know. I had no guide. So I have been ignorant a great portion of my life. And I even passed the lie of racism to my son. It's really F'd up!
There is a program called “Race: The Power on an Illusion.” This video discusses the origin of the concept of race and its ramifications over the centuries. It is very informative and I highly recommend it. The whole world has brought into the erroneous concept and for a long time it was supported by bunk science. It’s like a lot of things people believed to be true at one time and find it hard to let go.
The formal educational system is very limited. I have a lot of formal education but what I needed most to learn and know I learned by educating myself. The information is out there and you have to go out and find it on your own. The Internet makes it a little bit easier but the important part is finding the motivation inside to go get it. Most people don’t have that kind of motivation.
That indicates that humans would rather believe a lie than face the truth. I wonder what is the comfort of the lie? What drives people to re-wrap themselves in the cloak of denial once they have been exposed to truth?

This is strange stuff indeed.
Race is a social or mental construct created to form human subspecies based on observable characteristics such as skin color, hair type, body proportions, and skull measurements, and geographic populations to exert mental restraints to control resources. Race gives an illusion of abosolute a ruling group over the permanant worker base. The illusion of race is critical for imperailism to thrive. Therefore race/privilege functions on the labels that depict desired attitudes and behaviors that would by all biological aspect would make us all equal originating from Mitochondrial Eve.
So if in fact what you are saying is true and there are just mounds of information that proves "race" as it is applied is pure fabricated bullshit what makes people keep applying labels they did not define to themselves?

Is not that a form of insanity and for so called black people to continuously engage in this process exactly what degree of insanity are they under?


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