This definition comes from a 1957 edition of Webster's New World Dictionary. Notice the different descriptors of the term.

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@Adisa-I SEE U!!!


It's amazing loosely called the white race. Programming has gone on for a long time. Have we been to stupid to get the damn facts or is it like that old 50 year cartoon where the man was wood shedding discovering more ways to survive and use his brain. Now we are more directed on how to live based on a tube (television). I will read this again

Over and over and Over and over annnndddddd


Doc, without being aware that this topic had re-emerged. I posted something based on several conversation you and I have had over the years. As you have pointed out over and over, "How can one who has done little to understand in just a few days, months or even years in my case know so much?" I think that is a most vital and valid question.

History is contextual, there's that word again, and the writers of it almost always weave a tapestry that would show them in a particular light. In the case of race a continuum of enigmas, contradictions and paradoxes where the canvass and the artists brush strokes still shows them in a brighter light.

Do I beg them to set the record straight? Do I complain that this is not true or trued? The sorcerer's job is to deceive and he must have a willing audience. If they are unwilling to look into his bag of tricks for fear of what they might find they will forever be the victims of his prestidigitation. 

I think many of our younger people may have a myopic view, so I offered a personal account that may perhaps help them cleanse their lens of a age and time that I think mostly contrived, merged information and data has been projected therefore causing quite a bit of confusion. I thank you for the many hours of class and conversation to aid and assist yours truly to see myself and those people I am relative to in a different light. 

You were not lying when you said it is a step by step process. I might add a tedious one also.


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