Tom Joyner had this to say to Rachel Jeantel, the young lady who was the last person to speak to Trayvon martin before he was shot and killed:
“I will help you get tutors to get you out of high school, tutors to help you pass the SAT and I will give you a full ride scholarship to any HBCU you’d like.”
My first thought was "Why must she be limited to an HBCU?" I know Mr. Joyner has a soft spot in his heart for HBCUs, and he can most certainly do whatever he wants with his money, AND Ms. Jeantel better take that scholarship and RUN to one of these places, but did Mr. Joyner bother to ask her what college SHE wanted to go to? What her dreams are? Why couldn't the scholarship offer be open-ended? It seems to me that this offer isn't about helping Miss Jeantel, but about boosting ratings for Tom Joyner, and securing his picture on a wall in one of these HBCUs.
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