What's so good about civilization?

All over the various mediums the talking heads and experts can been seen touting the so called virtues of civilization. Yet few people know its history, where, when and how it started and more importantly what preceded civilization and what it (civilization) destroyed.

What institutions are a direct result of civilizations? Read on to find out.
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    Clifford Black

    Brother Al & the members of inward journey, thank you for leading the way toward the path.  For those who are interested in the discussion about 'civilization', a good place to start with the research-go to wikipedia and put into the search "the story of civilization-You are looking for "will and Ariel Durant", eleven volumes and this is only 'gettin started'.


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      Clifford Black

      READ THIS  POST and then ask the question: Is this talking about me?

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        Clifford Black

        @Al- this needs to be moved to the blog tab and then sent out to as many outlets as possible.